Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thursday Thirteen (#9) - Hanging Out in the Living Room
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Starbuck and Torrey
5:14 pm
Labels: In the Living Room, T13, Thursday Thirteen
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Posted by
Starbuck and Torrey
5:14 pm
Labels: In the Living Room, T13, Thursday Thirteen
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Thursday Thirteen | [−] |
Protect Our Animals | [−] |
Oh cool! I have two Bengal's too! I posted a pic of them in a previous TT, they are my spoiled babies. Got to love the breed. Thanks for sharing.
Those are great photos! Sebastian, you really like to lie with a leg hanging down!
Cat's sleep in the weirdest positions. Happy TT =)
Nice! AH CHO! Come on by and bring me some tissues for my Thirteen!
I love that kitties can find ways of sleeping that completely defy gravity and comfort and yet they are happy as clams. Thanks for the kitty peek.
I have to say you are one lucky person. I have a Maine Coon and her name is Lexus. She is not even close to Sebastian weight or size! Lexus is my baby, at (if I am lucky) this week 6.5 lbs. I must have picked up the runt of the litter and I wouldn't trade her in for the world she has been with me going on 14 yrs now. I also have a tuxedo cat and a balinese. Granted they have all gotten very lazy over the years but are a joy!
Your Sebastian looks like my Muffin!
I have a orange tabby that likes to 'hang out' in the same position as your cat. He sleeps on the back of the sofa with one back leg dangling in space. I agree that it looks very uncomfortable and unnatural.
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