It's our 100th post!!!!
I can't believe it's been 100 already!
It may look long, but please read on!
It'll be worth it!
To mark my 100th post, I thought it would be only too fitting to bring the attention of anyone visiting to the WSPA - the World Society for the Protection of Animals. Little did I know until I visited their site recently, that the 4th - 10th October '07 was World Animal Week. I missed it, but I didn't miss signing in support of the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) and I would love it if everyone could do the same! This is a really important declaration that would help to protect the rights of animals worldwide.
Here's the WSPA blurb: It's a time when we can join forces and make that extra effort to help animals everywhere. By working together we really can reduce animal suffering worldwide and bring the end of animal cruelty that little bit closer. We can do this best of all by supporting the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare. (UDAW)
The UDAW is an agreement among people and nations to recognize that animals are sentient and can suffer, to respect their welfare needs and to end animal cruelty - for good.
Do you agree?
If you do, click on the banner below to go to the site to sign the online petition, or just get more information!If you're interested in getting more information about the WSPA, click on the banner below.
This is a great opportunity for us to span the globe to do something for our animals! It's not just pets that this declaration is aimed at but also farm animals, ocean animals and more! It would be great if everyone could head over there and sign the petition! It's a really, really, really worthwhile cause!It would also be GREAT if you could put a button or banner on your site to help raise awareness of the declaration and of the WSPA in general. It's an amazing society!
So, this is my 100th post! Yay!
I hope it's been meaningful!
I would like to say a HUGE thank you to
Maggy and Zoey over at Zoolatry
for making the two amazing banners
and tags for this post! They're perfect!
P.S. If you missed the Animal's Asia post yesterday,
please keep scrolling down. It's important!
thanks for the information and concatulations on your 100th post! YAY!
Starbuck and Torrey - you are my new heroes!!! First: Congratulations on your 100th post!!!
And secondly: what a wonderful idea!!! I think my staff already signed the petition but I will go and sign it too! And if they have a thing to put on my blog I will do that also.
It is about time that something like this happens!!!
Thank you for bringing it to the attention of the cat blogosphere.
Your friend Karl
This is a great 100th Post. Congratulations!
Concatulations on yer 100th post! One of Mommakitty's last kittis was meat to be eaten, but momma grabbed he from da person selling him and ran!
Wow, that's a lot of neat information. Thank you and we read on down and thats horrible about eating cats and dogs! We are going to go sign the petition. Animals have right, too! Congratulations on your 100th Post. Its a great milestone!
Your FL furiends,
What a wonderfully meaningful 100th post! We signed the petition ...
happy hundredth post! ise signed the petition - ise also a member os wspa - wonderful group. cool and meaningful post of yours - ise like it x
Happy 100!!
Thanks for the information, it's have lots os meaning~!
And also congratulations for your 100th post~!
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