P.S. If you biggify the pic, you'll see it close up! Thanks Lux for the tip!
P.P.S. I'm feeling a little better. Still have flu, but at least I'm functioning =) Thanks everyone for dropping me notes and comments to let me know you were thinking of me! They really cheered me up!
What a sweet little baby Torrey was! I did not know you have a stroller. I have not been strollering in a while again.
Love your collage... and all the other pics, too... really nice.
Maggy & Zoey, Zoolatry
Thinking of you, all of us here at topcatrules (Pyewacket, Trixie and Leslie) oh, and Tigger too.
That collage is wonderful. All those photos are very cute. :)
I hope you feel better soon! Sending healing purrs your way.
What a great collage! All of that Bengal fur is so cute.
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Torrey is too adorable!
Glad you feel better!!! :)
Torrey was so cute as a baby and is cute now.His markings are more pronounced now.Do you take them outdoors in the stroller?
We're very glad to hear you're feeling better - flu can be such a bore. FAZ
I biggified it - those pictures are cute!
I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better!
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