Only one of my boys is spotty... but I do love his spots!
Blogging Cats | [−] |
*5-Cat Style - Flyer, Bombay and Furriends
*A Cat Fanciers Observations
*A cat's blog: Mini's Life
*Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinks & Gracie - Manx News
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*Boni, Gree, Mini, Pepi and Sanjee - House of the (Mostly) Black Cats
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*I Have A Hairy Butt
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*Jinxs 'under the stairs' cupboard
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*Kim–Xin–Bon–Chang — Xin Xin, Bon Bon, Venue, Yuan Yuan, Kim Kim
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*LOis' Front Porch
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*Mao's Mews - Blog For Mao the Siamese Cat
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*Merlin's Meows
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*Mickey's Musings
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*Miles & Sammy - Meezer Tails
*Millie, Darling Bionic Kitty, Internet Celebrity
*Mis Adventures of Rico Loco
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*Miz Allie Cat
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*Mu shue Pooh King Cat
*Munchkin, Missy and Monte - The Adventures of the M's
*Musette, Empress of the Universe
*My Cats Are French
*Nels, Ed, Nitro, Xing Lu - Meowers from Missouri
*Nine Lives I Had... Rainbow Bridge Kitties
*No Chips for Kon
*Nugget - Trading Cats
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*orange, striped, and proud
*orange, striped, and proud
*Oreo - I was NOT named for a cookie!!! RIGHT?
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*Ramses meowings
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Thursday Thirteen | [−] |
Protect Our Animals | [−] |
The spotty of your boy is very very beautiful~! That is an unique feature, and very precious part~!
I am so happy for you~!
Have a great weekend with your boys, I enjoy watching their pictures all the time.
Those are gorgeous spots!
Those are some very, very beautiful spots!
Thank you, everyone... we like our spots, too!
Spots, spots everywhere! They are beautiful! When we close our eyes we see spots now.
I like those spots,very unique
Awww how cute!
we have some spots on our bellies too but just some...
purrs, Kashim & Othello
Those are very unique spots! Very impressive.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Thanks for visiting my blog.I like meeting new kitty's and making friends.Your cats are beautiful :)
You guys are so pretty! I really like watching all your pictures. Thank you for your repeated visits, I really appreciate it!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Your friend Karl
What lovely cats. You've got a great blog. Those spots are definitely adorable :)
What a lovely spotty boy and what a lovely blog. I've only just found you today and I'll be back. Your pictures are wonderful:)
Thank you for your visit! :-)
I invite you to send me a shot of your cats, I will post on my blog. :-)
thanx for the lovely comment (^ω^)
his spots are very cool!!
your kittens are so cuuute!!
and you guys live in hong kong!! wow.. (*o*)
Wow, such beautiful spots!
Your FL furiends,
My Mommie says that she loves the spots too...I think each one of us has a couple of spots too.
Thank you for coming to my party, I really enjoyed your company...Munchkin
Starbuck, we are jealous that you have spots!! We are just pure white markings whatsoever!
We are so happy to meet you and your bro!
~Donny and Marie
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