and I almost missed it! This is the story!
My brother wrote the Christmas Pageant for his church this year, and they held it at the Convention and Exhibition centre (see pics below).

I haven't been feeling well for ages, and so I had decided not to go. However, by 3pm, I was feeling a little better and decided to try to make it. I was 30 minutes late, but figured better late than never!

I had no idea where it was being held in the C & E Centre, but had Hall 2 in the back of my mind, so headed up to Hall 2 (quite a hike up a gazillion huge escalators). When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes! Hall 2 was the 10th Hong Kong Cat Expo! I had NO idea!
The worst part... I had to pull myself away to get to the pageant as I was already late. After a few phonecalls, I realized it was not Hall 2, but Theatre 2 and so began an even longer trek to Theatre 2 (10 minutes away through tunnels and yet another gazillion escalators - I know... good exercise!).

The Pageant was brilliant! It was so funny (with the angel Gabriel as a knock off of Baldrick from Black Adder: "I have a cunning plan!"). Anyway, the place was packed and I was lucky that my mum and dad were there and had saved me a seat.

The pageant finished and I almost ran back to the cat show - praying it hadn't finished already! It hadn't, and I was able to spend over an hour buying lots of things (I'll post them soon! Christmas gifts are no longer a problem!) and watching the shows. The cats were beautiful!
The highlight of my evening was the siamese kitten and the abyssinian cat. I had never seen either of these breeds in real life before, and was amazed when I saw them! The abyssinian had such a small, petit head - beautiful! And the siamese cat was so long and sleek, with a small, petit head! I enjoy reading everyone's cat blogs and am used to seeing Storm and Latte online, but to see a seal-point siamese in real life was amazing! I didn't expect them to be so small with such a small head! And the colouring is exquisite!
Now, I have a few questions, how big are seal-point siamese full grown? This guy yesterday was 5 months old so was still quite small. How much do they weigh? How long are they?
And does anyone have an abyssinian that I missed? They really have tiny, tiny heads - so petit.
I searched and searched to see if they had a sphynx cat like Dragonheart, but I couldn't find any - the majority of the cats were exotics, persians or british shorthairs. I think there was only 1 siamese in the whole place! Later I found out there had been a sphynx cat (only 1) at the show - but only one. Ah well, maybe I'll see one next year!
It was so much fun! I love my bengals and maine coon and wouldn't trade them for the world, but I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the other cat breeds out there! They really are beautiful and unusual and I will definitely consider one of the other breeds if I were to ever get another cat (although, I could never be without a maine coon and bengal).
Hope everyone else had a great weekend, too!
Ramses and his sister Isis are Abyssinians:
The one who came before me was a Siamese, and he was a fairly small cat. About 10lbs at the heavier, and long and lean. Stella from the Meezer Mirror is what a show/breeding Siamese should look like:
Glad to hear you had a good time at the pageant and the Cat Expo. :)
Yeah!! You need to go visit Ramses & Isis (abby's)
Lets see...I am a "classic" siamese and I weigh 8.5 lbs and I guess I'm about 18" with just my body? I'm pretty tiny though. My sisfur Kaze is an Oriental Shorthair and she has the newer wedge shaped head. Her head is very small, she weighs as much as I do but is 36" long ear to tail. She's super duper skinny and really long.
I'm so happy you found cool presents I can't wait to see them!!!
How wonderful that you got to see different breeds of kitties. We've never been to a cat show but we bet it was a lot of fun!!
hey buddy!
wow a cat expo! how fab!
ise a female meezer so quite a bit smaller than my Bruvver. I currently weigh about 7lbs and Castle weighs around 12lbs (which is a bit fat). i guess we are quite long - i am definitely sleeker than Castle, but I fink the lymphoma has made me sleeker this past year cos i used to be a bit fat too. Even when we are sleek though we feel heavy - i don't know why though, maybe greater muscle density? Castle is a big lump of a cat but not as big as you guys! :) xxxx
I love cat shows! there was one in California recently held by the Cat Fancier Association. All you cat lovers can watch a funny video of it here:
Cat show sounds fun.
We only have pet show, so it contents any kinds of animal~~
I hope I could join one Cat Expo sometime.
Thanks for the visit, it's always great to meet someone who appreciates the beauty of us Abyssinians! :) My 'sis will be having ickle baby Abyssinian kittens in the New Year - probably in late March or early April if all goes well... Now Aby kittens are just the cutest thing ever! :)
I'z got my own blog now too! :) Oh and I'z an Abyssinian just like my brother Ramses, 'cept I'z d'purrty one! ;)
Mommmie looooves catshows. We never get to go along though.
WE are cornish rex :-)
We think you three are soooo cool!
Oh I loved seeing the pictures and look forward to hearing more about the super show. :)
Purrs Mickey
Wow, you got to go to a cat expo, that sounds fun! How about any Bengals and Maine Coon cats at the expo? How about any good Mutt Kitties (like me)? Anyway, that sounds like you had a very busy and fun day at the pageant and the expo.
That sounds like lots of fun, that cat show ...
Were there any Orientals? Orientals are like Siamese but without the pointed colors. I'm big for an Oriental, about 10 or 11 pounds, but Silky's tiny, around 6 pounds or so. She was 5 pounds when she came to us and her breeder said she was one of her largest cats!
At the last cat show Mom went to, she was amazed by how tiny and skinny the Cornish Rex kittens were - she heard someone behind her watching one being judged call it a *rat! :(
Ninna also weighs about 6 pounds (she's Siamese).
We breed Siamese Seal and Blue Points. It seems to be that our female Seal points with the wedge heads run on the smaller side. We have a female named Roxie who is a little over five years and she weighs 7 pounds and has very healthy litters. We also have her daughter Ender who is 3 years old who weighs 6 pounds and also has very healthy litters. Now our female Blue point named Amhigh has an applehead and she weighs 8.5. Our males are Baxter (seal) an apple head weighing in at 9 pounds and Amos (blue) also an apple head weighing 11 pounds. It can all depend on their structure and can change from male to female.
Nice cat(s). I may have to look at the photos every night just to remind myself how nice cats can be. But that one photo of the cat with glowing eyes kind of has me worried.
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