2. They are less trouble than a dog.
3. They are less expensive than children.
4. They don’t depend on you too much…
5. They teach you to love in a different way.
6. They make you less selfish – you have to think about their needs!
7. They’re warm in winter and leave you alone in summer.
8. They can’t talk your ear off!
9. They can be trained.
10. They are clean and don’t smell (as long as you use tofu litter!)
11. They are amazing to watch when doing acrobatics.
12. They don't need to be taken for walks - they know where to pee!
13. No home is complete without a cat!
What a couple of cuties. However, I don't think our potbelly pig would appreciate a new kitty in the house lol Happy Holidays!
u 2 r so cute!
what a cute pic! my best friend has a "huge" maine coon! hehe.
That's a great list! Every home should have a cat. :)
A most excellent list. Couldn't agree more. :-)
My Thursday Thirteen: 13 men who give me impure thoughts.
I admit cats are cute, but I had such bad luck with cats it is hard to think of ever owning another.
Great T13 topic, mine is up...
Great Thursday 13. Cats are just awesome we think and that is why everyone should have one!
14. They make great lists!
Awesome stuff.
TT Love Scenes: http://fullbodytransplant.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/thursday-thirteen-the-love-scene/
Those are all so very true!
Those are all great but I must protest to the one about talking your ear off. I get a lot of "Kaze PLEASE be quiet!!!" 'cause I constantly meeze.
I agree completely with your list! How could anybody NOT want a cat?
Yes, cats are okay!
Sorry, I'd much rather have a dog. But my neighbor has what may be the coolest cat I know. He's been declawed but still has no trouble catching mice, chipmunks, etc. or climbing where he needs to go.
Happy TT
Tofu litter?
Mom says she agrees with everything except #8. We can *indeed talk her ear off! :)
That is a great list and we agree,No home is complete without a cat!!!
I enjoyed a cat growing up, but not any more. I'm allergic! I also think cats are sneaky and somewhat..evil! lol
Glad it works out for you, though.
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