to think about what to get the boys.
So far I have come up with the two toys below.
Has anyone got these and can give me a review on them?
This one looks like it could get their
attention and keep them occupied!

And, yet another scratcher. Why not...
And this one looks like it could be fun, too!

Any other suggestions?
I would love to hear from everyone!
We love our Ikea cat tent, it is so much fun to play in! Those toys look like fun, especially the scratcher!
The first one looks like it would be too esay to knock over.That kitten is very small. That 2nd one, maybe. Do they like catnip?How about plastic coils.
I am not very helpful today :(
Good luck with your hunt.
One of my very most favorite toys is a Cat Dancer. Do you have one of those?
These toys look so so much fun~!
Which you gonna have for the Christmas~!
Dat scratcher looks awesome - I would love dat.
But nothing beats a feather mousie to chase.
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